日本財団 図書館


Improvement of Productivity by effective utilization the existing assets
Myanma Railways try it's best for optimizing the use of existing assets to improve the productivity as shown in following table -


For the passengers traffic, rail buses are constructed and used in some branch lines.
Existing Situation of Staff training and education system
All of officers are required to have the prescribed qualification before the job, and to cam the respective railway job they had to undergo an apprenticeship of one year. after entering the job. For the supervisory level staff, most of them are rankers promoted step by step to this position. Some of them have to be recruited from the outside, but for them they have to possess the prescribed technical or vocational qualification.
For the workers most of them had no professional knowledge before they enter the job. Because much of the work requires only manual labour and in light of low level technology used in most places, they did not have to face difficulty and needs only some time to attain the working knowledge. Much of them learns by experience, of course slowly, and gradually promoted from step to step. Some workers managed to attend evening technical course offered by the various Government Technical Institutes. In major workshops, where there are projects involving technical cooperation from foreign countries some personnel have been sent-abroad for training and some received technical know-how-from





